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What is pwshCloudCommands?

pwshCloudCommands is a PowerShell module that simplifies the search and analysis of cloud-specific PowerShell commands, without the need to install cloud modules locally. It provides a dual discovery method: querying cloud commands across AWS, Azure, and Oracle, and scanning local project files to identify which cloud commands and modules are being utilized.

Why pwshCloudCommands?

To aid in the discovery and analysis of cloud-specific PowerShell commands, pwshCloudCommands streamlines your workflow when working with PowerShell in the cloud.

  • Find Cloud Commands Without Local Installs: You can effortlessly search for any cloud command across AWS, Azure, and Oracle without installing the corresponding modules locally, reducing overhead and simplifying cloud command management.
  • Enjoy Advanced Search Capabilities: Unlike the PowerShell Gallery, this module supports free-form searches. This is particularly useful when you're not sure of the exact command or syntax, offering an intuitive and flexible way to find what you need.
  • Benefit from Comprehensive Project Analysis: The standout Get-CloudCommandFromFile function in pwshCloudCommands scans your project files to identify all necessary cloud modules. This feature is invaluable for creating dependency files or integrating into CI/CD processes, and it's extremely helpful for quickly understanding the cloud module requirements of new code or projects.

Getting Started


Install-Module -Name 'pwshCloudCommands' -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser

Quick Start

# import the pwshCloudCommands module
Import-Module -Name "pwshCloudCommands"
# identify all PowerShell commands and modules used in the specified path
$psCloud = Get-CloudCommandFromFile -Path "$env:HOME\pathToEvaluate"
# identify all unique modules used in the specified path - useful for CI/CD bootstrapping
$psCloud = Get-CloudCommandFromFile -Path "$env:HOME\pathToEvaluate"
$psCloud.CloudCommands.ModuleName | Select-Object -Unique
# search for a specific cloud command on a specific cloud platform
Find-CloudCommand -Query Write-S3Object -Filter AWS
# search for a specific cloud command on any cloud platform
Find-CloudCommand -Query New-OCIComputeInstance
# wildcard search for a cloud command
Find-CloudCommand -Query New*VM* -Filter Azure
# free-form search for a cloud command
$commands = Find-CloudCommand -Query 'I want to create a new compute instance in Oracle Cloud'
# I want to get all cloud functions and modules that belong to a specific cloud platform
Get-AllCloudCommandInfo -Filter AWS
Get-AllCloudCommandInfo -Filter Azure
Get-AllCloudCommandInfo -Filter Oracle

How pwshCloudCommands Works

pwshCloudCommands utilizes a cloud-based, event-driven workflow to generate a dynamic cache of known PowerShell cloud commands. This cache is periodically updated to ensure that it reflects the latest commands available from multiple cloud providers. You can view cache metrics and read more about the cache creation component.


  • Fully cross-platform and can be run on Windows, Linux, and macOS
  • Module-Free Command Search: Discover PowerShell commands without the need for local module installations.
    • Exact Function Name Search: Find specific functions, like Write-S3Object.
    • Wildcard Search: Use patterns, such as New*VM*, to locate commands.
    • Free-Form Search: Enter natural language queries like 'I want to create a new compute instance' for intuitive searching.
  • Complete Cache Data Dump: Access a comprehensive dump containing all known PowerShell cloud commands for detailed analysis.
  • Project File Analysis: Scan files and folders in your projects to identify used cloud functions and modules, crucial for project setup, discovery, and CI/CD pipeline integration.